Projection show on to the Mary Rose

We created a 4.30 min multi show for projection directly on to the interior of Mary Rose's hull. This told three stages to Mary Rose as a fighting ship. Peace, preparation and war. Members of the Mary Rose trust acted out selected scenes in costume against a green screen. To populate the hull, we choreographed everything together and lined the feet up with the decks (preview as seen below). Additionally 2 x environments were required showing masts in a harbour and ships under sail in a battle scenario. We also created CG scenics and props like the brick oven and the grinding wheel. Finally a layer of VFX like canon fire and smoke were then added.


Exhibit Designers : Event Communications

Producer : Graham English and Co.

Additional Credits : Soundscape - Peter Key

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I've just visited Portsmouth naval backyard to see HMS Warrior, HMS Victory and the Marie Rose and Royal Marine Museum. I was impressed by HMS Warrior and Victory and enjoyed every minute of the visit. The staff who provided information showed extensive knowledge and proved to be interesting to listen to.

The Marie Rose was absolutely outstanding and deserves recognition for the high quality display by holographic technology. Everyone was blown away. How they uncovered her and brought her to the surface in 1982 was unbelievably brilliant and the technology used to preserve her since phenomenal. But what tops all that is how they have brought her to life with the lighting and holographic scenes in various areas, that is sheer genius. Well done to all involved.